No Mow May
Join us to make Navan bloom better than ever by joining the #NoMowMay campaign. ‘Do nothing for nature’ by locking up your lawnmower for the month of May and let our beautiful wild plants get a head start on summer. This will let the wildflower seeds long dormant in your lawn bloom and provide a feast for hungry bees, butterflies, and other insects.
Mowing tips for encouraging wildlife:
~Cut once every four weeks~
Cutting just once a month encourages more flowers to grow in your lawn. Ideally, leave around 3 to 5 centimetres of grass length.
~Leave areas of long grass~
There is a greater diversity of flowers in areas of grass that are left completely unmown: oxeye daisy, field scabious, and knapweed are important nectar sources.
~You don’t have to stop mowing completely~
Some species, such as daisies, bird’s foot trefoil and clovers, are adapted to growing in shorter swards. Cutting these plants once every 4 to 6 weeks stimulates them to produce more blooms.
~Offer a variety of grass lengths/ habitats~
Navan has hundreds of big and small greens and thousands of gardens. Even the smallest grassy patches add up to a significant proportion of our green areas. If managed for nature Navan’s green areas could deliver enormous benefits for local nature, our communities, and the climate.
~Let others know what you're at~
Sign up to receive an All-Ireland Pollinator Plan pollinator-friendly sign for your wild patch in Navan: send us an email at with the location of where you'd put the sign.