Water Heritage Day 2023
20th August 2023
Following on from our popular Big Boyne clean-up day in April, we are organising a fun and educational clean-up event to take place during Heritage Week in August. Events will take place across Meath. Events on the day in Navan will include river biodiversity and geodiversity walk&talks and a clean-up. Events are free but registration is essential.
Registration will open at the end of July.
This event is organised by Boyne Rivers Action Group, a network of groups and organisations in Meath, including us here at WildAboutNavan, Trim Tidy Towns, Sonairte, the Gaelic Woodland Project, and the Boyne Rivers Trust.
The event is kindly supported by LAWPRO and Meath Co Co.
Gather the Tribe
24 June 2023
We invite you to gather together over a morning of short talks, a shared lunch, and conversations to stimulate and inspire our community. We will share stories that connect us to this place. We will share our local expertise and knowledge, to learn from each other. Whatever your interest, we all bring something to the table.
Boyne River Clean-Up Day
1 April 2023
We know that litter isn't the only issue or even the biggest one, but it's an important thing to address! This event is organised by Boyne Rivers Action Group, a network of groups and organisations in Meath, including us here at #WildAboutNavan, Trim and Drogheda Tidy Towns, @Sonairte, the @GaelicWoodlandProject, and the @BoyneRiversTrust. Supported by LAWPRO and @MeathCoCo.
Tree planting workshop with Solas Glan
4 December 2021
In collaboration with Solas Glan, we partnered with five estates across Navan to officially launch our Dispersed Urban Orchard project. Each estate attended a tree planting workshop at Solas Glan in December to learn how to plant and care for fruit trees. They later received six fruit trees, funded by MCC Community Heritage Grant to be planted in their estates.
The aim of the DUO is to get people together to connect with each other and with nature, and to help local wildlife by creating nature-friendly orchards in estates around Navan to help form a green network for our community to enjoy.
Wild About Swifts with Lynda Huxley​
21 June 2022
Join us on Tuesday 21st June at 7pm @ Navan Library where Swift conservation extraordinaire Lynda Huxley (Swift Conservation Ireland) for an evening all about one of Meath’s most fascinating animals, a bird that makes a perilous journey home to reunite with the same partner at their nest site every year – the Swift!
Lynda Huxley, Swift Conservation Ireland
14 April 2021 Speaker Series
Join Lynda Huxley, renowned for her pioneering work on Swift conservation in Ireland for our inaugural Wild About Navan Speaker Series event. Lynda has worked with countless communities across the country to protect these amazing birds. Thanks to her relentless dedication and passion, Swift mania is headed straight for Meath! She will introduce us to the Swift and help us celebrate and champion the protection of this intriguing local bird.