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Community Biodiversity Action Plan


The Community Biodiversity Action Plan (CBAP) for Navan promotes and celebrates the biodiversity within the town and provides a plan by which it can be enhanced. 

Navan is located at the confluence of two rivers, the River Blackwater and the River Boyne, that have a significant influence on the biodiversity within the town. Navan is fortunate to have corridors of trees, grasslands, and water running right through the centre of the town. The focus for this Plan is not just the river systems. In Navan there is parkland, hedges, estate greens, playing pitches, railway lines, an abundance of gardens and an enormous number of trees. Biodiversity occurs throughout the town; as do the opportunities for enhancing it.


The Navan CBAP takes account of the habitats and biodiversity within the town. It proposes measures to enhance the local environment and address any environmental issues or pressures. There is a strong emphasis on community involvement with the intention that the community will take ownership of the plan and responsibility for its implementation. The actions involve encouraging participation in Citizen Science initiatives, the development of local Pollinator Plans, actions for Swifts, creation of a dispersed orchard and possibly most importantly, amending the way we view areas of long grass, Dandelions and Brambles.

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